Houston Northwest Alumnae Association Dues
Your membership dues DO include the Fraternity per capita fee of $38 and we have reduced our dues back to $40, which supports our operating costs (printing, postage, events, chapter support, officer expenses, convention delegates, and more). In the past, Houston NW Kappa has been able to give to Kappa Foundation, Holiday Rose McGill Sharing, our philanthropy, and Northwest Harris County Alumnae Panhellenic.
Please pay your yearly dues by November 1, 2024.
_____ $78 Houston Northwest Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae Dues, Per Capita, & Lunch Bunch.
(If you were initiated before 1959 or after 2012 you can subtract a $5 discount from your fees.)
_____ $40 Lunch Bunch ONLY (If you are a dual member and already have paid Per Capita select this option.)
_____ $50 Founder’s Day Celebration Dinner at Champions Golf Club October 30, 2024.
_____ $ Mental Health Philanthropy Donation
_____ $ Holiday Rose McGill Sharing Donation
_____ $ Houston NW KKG Donation
$_______ Total Payment to “Houston Northwest Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae Association”
If paying with PayPal please add your membership information by clicking here.
Please make checks payable to:
Houston NW Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumni
Mail to:
Julie Burke
9503 Ashdown Drive
Spring, Texas 77379
Questions? 432.349.7979
Contact Treasurer, Julie Burke at tburke1474@aol.com or 432.349.7979.
First select the drop down button, click on the amount for your dues and/or Founders Day Dinner then click on your payment method.